
Pocket Thickness Gage Dial Indicator Gauge - 0.001" - 0.50"

Save On Pocket Thickness Gage Dial Indicator Gauge - 0.001" - 0.50" Online Store

you looking for inexpensive Pocket Thickness Gage Dial Indicator Gauge - 0.001" - 0.50"?

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Pocket Thickness Gage Dial Indicator Gauge - 0.001" - 0.50" Overview

Professional measuring instrument, indicates item thickness from 0.001" to 0.50" by .001"

Pocket Thickness Gage Dial Indicator Gauge - 0.001" - 0.50" Specification

  • Professional measuring instrument, indicates item thickness from 0.001" to 0.50" by .001"
  • Spring-loaded, lever-operated anvil allows for instant measurements
  • Large 2" dial provides easy-to-read results with minor and major scales by one-thousandths inch
  • Rugged die-case aluminum body, machined aluminum bezel with clear crystal; hard protective case
  • Essential tool for machinists, manufacturers and mechanics; 2-3/4"W x 2-1/4"H

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