
150mm Stainless Steel Digital Vernier Caliper Micrometer Gauge

Discount 150mm Stainless Steel Digital Vernier Caliper Micrometer Gauge Shop

you looking for low price 150mm Stainless Steel Digital Vernier Caliper Micrometer Gauge?

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells 150mm Stainless Steel Digital Vernier Caliper Micrometer Gauge and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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150mm Stainless Steel Digital Vernier Caliper Micrometer Gauge Specification

  • Display Material: Stainless Steel
  • Accuracy: 0.001" (0.02mm)
  • Range: 0-6" (0-150mm)
  • Display: LCD
  • Power: Battery

150mm Stainless Steel Digital Vernier Caliper Micrometer Gauge Overview

This premium 6" digital caliper is the perfect measuring device. The stainless steel LCD display provies easy to read measurements, accurate up to .001", for both internal, external, depth, and steps. The simple press of a button will toggle your display between SAE (inches) or Metric (mm) measurements, and the display can be zeroed out from any postition on the slide. A comfortable locking thumbscrew, makes it easy to lock the jaws of the caliper in place. Its hard, protective carrying case ensures that nothing happens to you caliper in storage or in transit.

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