
Starrett 799A-6/150 Electronic Caliper with Plastic Case, 0-to-6-Inch/0-to-150mm Range

Save On Starrett 799A-6/150 Electronic Caliper with Plastic Case, 0-to-6-Inch/0-to-150mm Range Online

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Starrett 799A-6/150 Electronic Caliper with Plastic Case, 0-to-6-Inch/0-to-150mm Range Overview

The Starrett 799A-6/150 digital caliper measures 0” to 6” and 0 to 150 mm with 0.0005” or 0.01 mm accuracy, and comes in a protective plastic case. This light, comfortable, and easy-to use measuring tool allows for reliable and accurate readings with the slim, streamlined design and large, easy-to-read LCD.

Lightweight, ergonomic design makes this caliper easy to use, even with one hand. The caliper can be used with one hand through operating the fine adjustment roll with the thumb. A lock screw can hold the slide in position. Depth rod is integrated into the rack of the caliper, unlike many calipers which offer a detachable depth rod, or none at all. The hardened stainless steel body offers corrosion resistance and long life. Single battery is easy to access, on the front of the plastic casing, next to the LCD. The last measurement position is retained when the caliper is shut off, and it is simple to zero the caliper at any position with the clearly marked zero button. Easy-to-read LCD is large, with 0.32” tall characters. The caliper shuts off automatically after five minutes of nonuse. Linear accuracy meets the internationally used Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN) 862: Vernier Calipers Requirements and Testing standards.

Calipers measure the distance between two opposing sides of an object. They make inside, outside, depth, or step measurements, according to their type. Calipers are commonly used in architecture, metalworking, mechanical engineering, machining, manufacturing, carpentry, and medicine. The simplest calipers have two legs to mark the two points and require a ruler to take the measurement. More complex calipers use two sets of jaws instead of legs and have up to two graduated scales. Vernier, dial, and digital calipers give direct and accurate readings and are functionally identical, having a calibrated scale with a fixed jaw, and another jaw with a movable pointer that slides along the scale. The vernier caliper has a scale sliding parallel to the main scale for an additional, fractional reading to improve measurement precision. The dial caliper has a circular dial with a pointer on a toothed gear rack replacing the second vernier scale. As with the vernier, this second measurement is added to the reading from the main scale to obtain the result. The dial caliper is used also for measuring size differential between two objects. The digital caliper takes the same sort of differential measurements as the dial caliper by zeroing the display at any point along the slide, with an LCD (replacing the dial) that displays a single, easily read value in both English and metric units. Some digital calipers can hold data readings between measurements and send them to data collection devices.

The L.S. Starrett Company manufactures precision measuring tools, metrology and testing equipment, and saw blade products. The company was founded in 1880 and is headquartered in Athol, MA.

What’s in the Box:

  • Starrett 799A-6/150 digital caliper
  • CR 2032 1.5V battery
  • Fitted plastic case

Starrett 799A-6/150 Electronic Caliper with Plastic Case, 0-to-6-Inch/0-to-150mm Range Features

  • Measures 0" to 6" and 0 to 150 mm with 0.0005" and 0.01-mm accuracy
  • Ergonomic design for comfort during use
  • LCD with 0.32" high characters for readability
  • Hardened stainless steel bar for corrosion resistance and long life
  • Linear accuracy meets international DIN 862 standards

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