
SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers

Discount SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers On Sale

SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers

you looking for super-cheap SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers
Extra large LCD. Two measuring modes - ABS (absolute) and INC (incremental) - for efficient measurement . Carbide-tipped measuring faces. Origin setting function (ABS mode): The origin point value can be displayed with a touch of the ORIGIN button. Zero setting function (INC mode). IP65 Dust/Water protection level.

SEPTLS504293340 - Series 293 Coolant Proof Micrometers

  • Display Type - Digital LCD/Vernier
  • Tip Material - Carbide
  • Accuracy - ±.00005 in
  • Thimble Mechanism - Ratchet Stop
  • Type - IP65 Rating

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