
Wixey WR100 6-Inch Digital Calipers with Fractions

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Wixey WR100 6-Inch Digital Calipers with Fractions

Wixey WR100 6-Inch Digital Calipers with Fractions

  • Displays inches with fractions or millimeters
  • Large easy to read display
  • Resolution 0.05mm, 0.001-inch, 1/64-inch
  • Outside, inside, depth and step measurements
  • Hardened stainless steel

Wixey WR100 6-Inch Digital Calipers with Fractions
The Wixey dual display digital caliper is the only fractional caliper available that displays both the fraction and the decimal equivalent at the same time. With these calipers you can ensure accuracy by reading the fraction and the decimal equivalent at the same time so you know that 1/2" is exactly .5", not .51" or .49". This may not seem like much until you look at the gap around the edge banding you just inlaid into a one-of-a-kind table! Constructed of high-quality hardened and ground stainless steel components featuring a large easy-to-read display that reads in inches with fractions or millimeters. The fractions are displayed using precise fraction technology which gives extremely accurate fraction readouts. The decimal inches are displayed in .001" increments and the millimeters in .01mm increments.These calipers incorporate precision measuring features found in top-of-the-line measuring tools used in metal working. The precision ground measuring faces allow for outside, inside, depth and step measurements.

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