
KD Tools 3753 3 Piece Caliper and Micrometer Set

Buy KD Tools 3753 3 Piece Caliper and Micrometer Set On Sale

KD Tools 3753 3 Piece Caliper and Micrometer Set

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KD Tools 3753 3 Piece Caliper and Micrometer Set
KD Tools 3-Piece Machinist Tool Kit of torque and measuring tools. Features stainless steel, fully hardened frame and satin chrome finish for long lasting rugged precision accuracy. Contains 6 inch single revolution dial caliper graduated in .001 increments. The measuring faces are hardened, ground and lapped for the optimum of precision accuracy. Outside micrometer with ratchet stop 0-1 inch (.0001 graduation) features carbide tipped ratchet stop and lock lever for the utmost in precision measuring. 6 inch stainless rule for quick accurate measurements. Comes fitted in a plastic box for secure storage. All KD Mechanic's Hand and Specialty Tools are designed to fulfill highly specialized functions. KD Tools are proudly made with the finest components under the most stringent manufacturing guidelines. Made for every day use and guaranteed for life.Stainless steel fully hardened frameSatin chrome finish6 inch stainless rule6 inch single revolution dial caliper graduated .001Fitted in a plastic box

KD Tools 3753 3 Piece Caliper and Micrometer Set

  • Stainless steel fully hardened frame
  • Satin chrome finish
  • 6 inch stainless rule
  • 6 inch single revolution dial caliper graduated .001
  • Fitted in a plastic box

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