
Trademark Tools 75-15005 Digital Thickness Gauge Micrometers Calipers, Carbon Fiber

Best Cheap Trademark Tools 75-15005 Digital Thickness Gauge Micrometers Calipers, Carbon Fiber Store

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Trademark Tools 75-15005 Digital Thickness Gauge Micrometers Calipers, Carbon Fiber Overview

Are you in need of a digital thickness gauge? Then look no further! This digital thickness gauge is lightweight and easy to use. It features a large easy to read LCD display and its carbon fiber posite construction makes it both lightweight and durable.Features include:Made of extra strong carbon fiber positesLight weight and durable to use8mm LCD displayMeasuring range: 0-12mmResolution: 0.01mmAccuracy: plus or minus 0.03mmSuited for measuring the thickness of paper film wire sheet jewelry leather etc.Power source is one SR44 battery with a full 12 months life (included)Dimensions: .8975 x 4.125 x 2.5 inchesIncludes retail packaging

Trademark Tools 75-15005 Digital Thickness Gauge Micrometers Calipers, Carbon Fiber Specification

  • Made of extra strong carbon fiber composites
  • Light weight and durable to use
  • 8mm LCD display
  • Measuring range: 0-12mm, Resolution: 0.01mm, Accuracy: plus or minus 0.03mm
  • Power source is one SR44 battery with a full 12 months life (included)

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