
Grizzly G9786 6" Dial Caliper/Indicator/Micrometer Set

Best Buy Grizzly G9786 6" Dial Caliper/Indicator/Micrometer Set Shop

Grizzly G9786 6

you looking for low-priced Grizzly G9786 6" Dial Caliper/Indicator/Micrometer Set?

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Grizzly G9786 6" Dial Caliper/Indicator/Micrometer Set and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Grizzly G9786 6
These precision instruments are a must for quickly determining dimensions or location. The 6" Dial Caliper is hardened stainless steel with easy to read dial, stop and thumb wheel. The Micrometer is carbide tipped, has 0.0005" graduations and a vernier scale for ten thousandths of an inch. Last, but certainly not least, the dial test indicator is calibrated 0.0005" and has range of 0.030" and the tip can be repositioned. It comes supplied with a 3/8" and 4mm mounting studs.

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