
6'' Fractional Digital Caliper

Buy 6'' Fractional Digital Caliper Web Store

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6'' Fractional Digital Caliper Features

  • Features a digital readout in convenient fractions so you dont have to memorize decimal equivalents.
  • Reads in 1/128ths for maximum precision.
  • Switch from fractions to decimals to millimeters with just the push of a button.
  • Measure inside, outside, depth and steps.
  • Includes a pre-installed battery, a spare battery and a padded plastic case.

6'' Fractional Digital Caliper Overview

When it comes to measuring stock, fitting precise joints and setting up machines, a digital caliper is one of the handiest tools to have around. Features a readout in convenient fractions so you don't have to memorize decimal equivalents or make conversions in your head. Unlike most fractional calipers, which read in 1/64ths, these read in 1/128ths for maximum precision. Best of all, you can switch from fractions to decimals to millimeters with just the push of a button. Ultra-smooth sliding action allows you to dial in your setting quickly, then lock it down with the knurled knob. Measure inside, outside, depth and steps. Includes a pre-installed battery, a spare battery and a padded plastic case.

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