
Wixey WR510 Digital Planer Readout with Fractions

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you looking for low-priced Wixey WR510 Digital Planer Readout with Fractions?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a online store that sells Wixey WR510 Digital Planer Readout with Fractions and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Wixey WR510 Digital Planer Readout with Fractions Overview

Replace the inaccurate stock height gauge on your portable planer and stop constantly using calipers to check stock thickness! Most digital calipers only read out in decimal measurements, forcing you to do the mental math to convert to fractions. If your stock is measuring .575" and you need 9/16", how much do you need to remove with your next pass through the planer? With the Digital Planer Height Gauge simply lower your planer until the gauge reads .565 - 9/16. It cant get any easier! Unique gauge reads out both decimal and fractional measurements. Fits most portable "lunch box" style planers. Easy to follow installation instructions.

Wixey WR510 Digital Planer Readout with Fractions Features

  • Fits most portable planers
  • Easy to install, calibrate, and use
  • Displays Inches with fractions or millimeters
  • Large easy to read display angled for easy viewing

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