
Neiko Stainless Steel 12 Inch Digital Caliper - SAE/MM with Large LCD Display

Buy Neiko Stainless Steel 12 Inch Digital Caliper - SAE/MM with Large LCD Display On Sale

Neiko Stainless Steel 12 Inch Digital Caliper - SAE/MM with Large LCD Display

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Neiko Stainless Steel 12 Inch Digital Caliper - SAE/MM with Large LCD Display
When you require exact measuring, you reach for a caliper. But an accurate measurement is meaningless if you can't read it accurately. This caliper takes an essential tool into the 21st century with an extra-large LCD digital readout for exact internal and outside measurements accurate to .001". Instantly converts from SAE or Metric, the display can be zeroed at any point on the slide. Machine-grooved thumb-roll mechanism and position lock for sure adjustment. Hardened stainless steel shaft with depth-measurement probe, precision ground jaws. On-off switch with auto-off, two long-life batteries included (one spare).

Neiko Stainless Steel 12 Inch Digital Caliper - SAE/MM with Large LCD Display

  • Easy to operate, one button to switch between inches to mm
  • Hardened stainless steel shaft with depth-measurement probe, precision ground jaws
  • Resolution: 0.01mm/0.0005 inch, Accuracy: 0.02mm/0.0001 inch
  • Features with a large LCD display, easy to take readings
  • Linear Capacitive Measuring System

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